It's been an inexcusably long time since I updated. I don't know why I'm so inconsistent sometimes.
When I started at the Goth house, Cassandra had no want to marry Don, but instead had a fear of him leaving her at the altar. I like her just a little better, but I'm not sure how long she will be able to hold out. Don really has a way of getting any woman he wants.
Don is mad at Nina for not going along with his brilliant plan of him marrying Cassandra for her money and her still happily dating him on the side. Nina wants Don all to herself, but she should really know him better, especially since she is so very much like Don herself.
Mortimer, Cassandra and Alexander all wanted a pet, and so I felt it was important to fulfill it for them. Meet Buffy. I had to pick her, as she came with that name which was just too awesome.
Buffy now has a really comfortable, expensive bed in the foyer.
Buffy is a large breed, elder female dog. She is independent, but cowardly. It sounds like she doesn't quite live up to her Buffy name if she's cowardly. Too bad.
Cassandra wants to marry off 6 children. *sigh* Her biological clock is already ticking, yet the "marry Don" want is just not happening.
But, she did want to buy some new clothes, so I felt at liberty to give her a much needed makeover. I think she looks quite pretty now. Maybe she'll attract someone better than Don to marry.
Because Bella is alive in this version of Pleasantview, it seemed only fitting that she would want to visit her kids. Well, that was my assumption, anyway. Cassandra tried to cook dinner for her mom, but it didn't go that well. She's not the best cook yet.
Bella annoyed the heck out of me, but I let her come over several times anyway I thought maybe Mortimer would still have some feelings for her and have some Bella-related wants, but it never happened. I also thought she might try to build a better relationship with her children, which also didn't really happen.
Don tried to get Cassandra's attention. She didn't push him away, but she still wasn't in a hurry to get married to him. Maybe her makeover has given her some much-needed self-confidence.
Bella still has feelings for Mortimer and likes to grab and kiss him. He doesn't seem particularly impressed. I guess whatever fire they once had in their relationship has gone out, and just refuses to be rekindled for Mortimer. In case you were wondering, even though Bella still has her wedding ring on, she and Mortimer are no longer married. I think this is the result of the "marriage-postmortum" hack from MATY that allows sims to continue to wear their ring.
As Cassandra stares into her burnt spaghetti, she thinks of Don. Maybe burnt spaghetti is like her relationship with Don. It's messy, and not turning out the way she wants, but she's probably going to go through with it anyway.
Daniel Pleasant dropped by for a visit and delighted them with unpleasant stories of current events. I assume he has heard rumors of a certain someone having public woohoo with Nina Caliente. Uh-oh, we know that was Don Lothario, Mortimer's future son-in-law. I guess Mortimer isn't really listening, or he would probably be upset to learn that Don is already cheating on his daughter - in public places no less.
But maybe he did hear after all. Maybe this was why he didn't want to leave Cassandra alone with Don - in his bedroom. Cassandra had taken the liberty of bringing Don into her father's room, since she only had a twin bed in her room.
Cassandra actually told Don of her intention of having a baby as soon as possible. He was surprisingly okay with the idea of fatherhood. As long as it involved woohoo, he was all for it. Besides, he wasn't obligated to take care of it. He obviously does not know about my child support hack. ;)
Bella had some great timing, coming to admire the painting of herself over Mortimer's bed. I have no idea why Mortimer kept it. Maybe it reminds him of happier times - before Bella disappeared and left him to raise their two children all alone.
Really inappropriate, Bella.
As Bella was laughing at the painting of herself, Cassandra let her know that she was really unwelcome at this time. Not that Bella listened or cared.
Ugh. Mother and daughter simultaneously swooning at Don in his undies. That's just wrong.
Don asked Cassandra how much money she stood to inherit. This would seem like a really indelicate subject to bring up when trying to make babies, but Casssandra was so focused on babies, that I guess she didn't really care that Don wanted to be with her for her money more than anything else.
And while we're on the subject of inappropriate, Bella would not leave the bedroom, and then they were joined by Cassandra's attractive co-worker Joe Carr. Joe works at the science lab with her. They have a lot of chemistry, but she never notices him.
Bella seriously would not stay out of the bedroom. I think they probably should have tried locking her out.
Mortimer liked to stay oblivious. He liked to keep his mind happily engaged in learning something new. His current passion is learning to play the electric guitar. I guess you're never too old to rock.
Cassandra loved to think of Don when cooking. Maybe that's why she got distracted burned her food. Thankfully, she can't burn cereal.
She was not feeling quite well after that, and hoped it was morning sickness. She really wants a baby.
Meanwhile, Nina was coming by to kick their trash can on a regular basis. I guess we can assume that she is making a trip by Don's house to help Kaylynn kick over his trash can as well.
Cassandra and Mortimer are really exhausted. Mortimer likes to stay up all kinds of weird hours learning new things. Cassandra is probably pregnant.
Meanwhile Alexander, who is not very interesting to me, has plenty of energy.
He loves playing with Buffy and playing the piano. He's actually getting really good at the piano. He should be able to get a music scholarship to college.
He does not, however, enjoy homework. I caught him out here one day trying to hide his homework where I probably would not have ever found it if I hadn't caught him in the act.
Finally, he had a birthday. Mortimer and Cassandra mustered up the strength have a family party.
He grew up rather geeky-looking.
He decided he would like to have a lot of money. That's sort of a given anyway, growing up in the Goth family. He wants to find a girl who wears a hat and glasses who does not share his hair color.
This LTW seemed a little unusual for him, but it should be fairly easy for him to reach his goal.
I think Alexander is having a more positive attitude about homework now that he knows he can earn scholarship money for doing it.
Now that his hands are big enough to reach all the strings, Alexander enjoys playing his father's electric guitar.
He also got to go out on his own and went to a club. He wanted to get good at dancing, and also wanted to keep an eye out for his dream girl wearing a hat and glasses.
Cassandra is pregnant after all, and is now having to switch to maternity clothes.
She found a genie lamp out on the porch and decided to make good use of it. She wished for peace of mind, beauty, and even more wealth. I didn't know it at the time, but when she wished for beauty, the genie's magic made her the most attractive woman to Don, moving Nina down to second on Don's list.
Since Cassandra was not rolling any Don-related wants, I thought she should give Darren Dreamer a call. Darren still really likes Cassandra, even though she's enormously pregnant with some other guy's baby. He somehow doesn't seem to notice.
Yeah, about that. As soon as Darren came over and started putting the moves on her, she finally rolled a want to go on a date with Don. One want led to another...
The date didn't go so well, because she was really exhausted. At least Don had the decency to worry when she fell asleep standing up.
As it turns out, she was quickly awakened by labor pains. Don looks excited, which is surprising. I guess the idea of a son who shares his good looks is really appealing to him.
Well, he got a daughter, but she is named after him. Her name is Dawn.
Don look disappointed that he had to quit playing the guitar to hold his new baby. What happened to the idea of consequence-free woohoo? And why was his son wearing a pink sleeper?
Darren was still at the house. Cassandra was on a date with Don, and gave birth to Don's baby. I guess Darren finally got the hint that things just weren't going to work out between him and Cassandra. He was kind of angry, though.
A few minutes later, Don got his boy after all. This is Don Jr. Cassandra is delighted to have twins. It's good at least that they have one committed parent to care for them.
Cassandra's so excited to be a mother that she wants to make babies again right away. Don is just glad to be getting more woohoo.
Finally, Cassandra wants to get married to Don.
And to remove all doubt, Don finally wants to marry her too. Maybe he already knows what a financial drain paying child support will be, and therefore prefers to move into the Goth mansion instead.
Alexander wanted to go on a date, so he got to know Angela Pleasant a little better.
They only have one bolt for each other, but he's not picky. Angela is a girl, and right now that's good enough for him.
I'm pretty sure Darren is actually mad at Cassandra and not Angela. Between Darren and Nina, the trash can may never remain upright again. Alexander is friends with Tosha Go, and he would like to go on a date with her too. Hopefully, he'll be smarter than his sister and wait until Angela is gone before going on a date with Tosha.
Finally, it was time for Don and Cassandra to get married. She bought a wedding dress, but chose to wear this instead. (Oops, my bad.)
It doesn't look like Don wants to leave her at the altar. If she could see him for who he really is, she would leave him at the altar. His LTW is to have 20 simultaneous lovers. If she knew that, she could save herself a lot of potential heartache in the future.
But, she's made up her mind. She really thinks Don is the man for her.
And she hopes his wild days of chasing other women are behind him now that they are making this commitment.
Keep on dreaming, Cassandra.
The guests had a really great time at the party, even when the bride and groom sneaked away for alone time and some much-needed rest.
Their wedding party was a roof raiser.
Before they knew it, it was time for the twins' birthday.
Come on Big Don, smile! This is the last picture of Don, Jr. as a baby.
Cassandra, look at the camera! It looks like she might be pregnant again. At least Dawn looked at the camera.
Dawn is a cute toddler. I think she looks a lot like her mother.
And Don, Jr. is super cute. He seems to be destined to be a heartbreaker just like his dad.
(Cross-posted on my LiveJournal)
OMG....Don Jr is SO CUTE!!! Wow Don and Cassie make really cute babies! Glad to see another update from you. I'm fairly inconsistent with updating these days too. :)